& medical supplies
Vybavenie klinických laboratórií. Produkty pre vedu a výskum
- Reprodukčná medicína
- Bunková biológia
- Pipetovanie, centrifugácia a miešanie
- Preparáty a histopatológia
- Molekulárna biológia
- Servis
- mikromanipulácia buniek
- inkubácia (kultivácia)
- pipetovanie
- kryokonzervácia
- označovanie vzoriek
- skúmavky
- prístroje pre prípravu vzoriek
- mikroskopia a histopatológia
- centrifugácia
- izolácia a purifikácia
- IVF kliniky
- Technický servis
- laboratorní rukavice
- skladovanie
Dakewe Biotech Co., Ltd was founded in 1999 and headquartered in Shenzhen; subsidiary offices are located in Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Wuhan; United States office is located in Shingle Springs, Sacramento, California.
Our company business divides into two divisions-Bioscience and Biomedicine. We develop and manufacture medical devices, diagnostic and life science reagents, scientific instruments and equipments. We are also distributors of life science reagents, scientific instruments and medical equipments throughout China.
As a part of the Dakewe Group, Dakewe (Shenzhen) Medical Equipment Co., Ltd has developed and manufactured modern series of histopathology devices including slide stainer, tissue processor, microtomes and new coming-up products to integrate every step in the laboratory workflow. Our diagnostic equipments are currently being used in hospitals, independent laboratories, and universities throughout China. We gladly continue to get positive feedbacks from our customers.
Currently we are working concentratedly to become a whole solutions provider of pathology based medical devices worldwide.
Zaradenie produktov
Kryostat Dakewe CT520, 2 kompresory, UV, nano AG povrch
velký pracovní prostor, poloautomatický mikrotom