Tissue-Tek® O.C.T. Compound

Embedding medium for the frozen tissue specimen

O.C.T. Compound
  • Kód: 4583
  • Dostupnosť: Zvyčajne skladom

Momentálne skladom: 24 ks

ŠaržaKsDátum expirácie
  • Objem: 118 ml
  • Cena bez DPH: 16,00 €
  • Cena s DPH: 16,80 €
16,00 €

Zalievacie médium pre zmrazenú vzorku tkaniva

Tissue-Tek® O.C.T. Compound is a formulation of watersoluble glycols and resins, providing a convenient specimen matrix for cryostat sectioning at temperatures of -10°C and below. No residue is left on slides during the staining procedure, eliminating undesirable background staining.
