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SafeSpeed Media Warming Kit
Oocytes, Embryos and Blastocysts cryopreservation Media

- Výrobca: SafeSpeed
- Kód: 38090
- Dostupnosť: Zvyčajne skladom
- Transportné podmienky: Cooled (CoolPack)
- Cena bez DPH: 102,00 €
- Cena s DPH: 125,46 €
102,00 €
bez antibiotk
- SafeSpeed Warming Media is designed for ultra-rapid warming of human oocytes and embryos previously cooled by vitrification.
- pH: 7.2 - 7.6
- Endotoxin: ≤ 0.5EU/ml Farmacopea Europea XI Ed.
- Sterility: UNE-EN-ISO-11737-1
- Mouse Embryo Assay (MEA): one-cell ≥ 80% after 96 hours
- Shelf Life: 12 months after manufacturing date.
- SafeSpeed ® media is a three-step synthetic medium, absolutely free of protein of human or animal origin, to be used in the cryopreservation of oocytes and embryos
- Synthetic medium, absolutely free of protein of human or animal origin, therefore less risk of contamination
- Hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) prevents the risk of contamination, increases the survival rate in hatched blastocysts, and reduces mechanical stress during devitrification.
- DMSO in combination with ethylene glycol in the medium ensures less toxicity and better results after devitrification
- The composition of Safespeed media works effectively at room temperature, allowing proper exchange between water and cryoprotectants and preserving the cell membrane intact. The only step that must be carried out at 37°C is the first of the devitrification procedure.
Warming media (up to 10 reheats):
2ml Thawing Solution
2ml Diluent solution2ml washing solution