& medical supplies
Vybavenie klinických laboratórií. Produkty pre vedu a výskum
- Reprodukčná medicína
- Bunková biológia
- Pipetovanie, centrifugácia a miešanie
- Preparáty a histopatológia
- Molekulárna biológia
- Servis
- mikromanipulácia buniek
- inkubácia (kultivácia)
- pipetovanie
- kryokonzervácia
- označovanie vzoriek
- skúmavky
- prístroje pre prípravu vzoriek
- mikroskopia a histopatológia
- centrifugácia
- izolácia a purifikácia
- IVF kliniky
- Technický servis
- laboratorní rukavice
- skladovanie
OQ/BTK Mastercycler všechny modely
OQ/BTK Mastercycler všechny modely

- Výrobca: LifeM
- Dostupnosť: Skladom
OQ of your equipment is an integral part of the operation of your diagnostic equipment. OQs contain a set of control measurements of output and input values and properties of your equipment. These measurements will verify and possibly reset the values displayed by the diagnostic device to those of the calibrated measurement standard. In addition, possible mechanical and electrical faults are checked for during the OQ, dirt is removed, moving parts are lubricated and, if necessary, the manufacturer's recommended components are replaced. If major operational problems are found, a procedure is recommended to correct them.
Equipment that undergoes our regular OQ is then our absolute priority for further action. As a standard, we provide free 24/7 technical and operational advice on these devices over the phone, very often we have a spare tool available for loan during the repair period and, if necessary, we will suggest and arrange another way of solving your non-standard situation.
OQ is always carried out in accordance with the instruction manual, service manual and current legislation. Calibrated service aids and measuring instruments are then used for inspection.