GenUP™ PCR/Gel Cleanup Kit

250 preps for both PCR product clean-up and DNA purification from agarose gels

GenUP™ Blood RNA Kit 250
  • Veľkosť balenia: 250 preps
  • Skladovanie: Ambient
  • Cena bez DPH: 403,00 €
  • Cena s DPH: 423,15 €
403,00 €

biotechrabbit™ GenUP PCR/Gel Cleanup Kit has been specially developed for a quick and easy cleanup or concentration of PCR fragments from reaction mixtures as well as extraction of DNA from both TAE and TBE agarose gels. The DNA is bound to a Mini Filter using a novel buffer, washed and then eluted in a separate tube. The purified DNA is ready to be used in all demanding molecular biology applications, including restriction digestion, ligation, sequencing, transfection into mammalian cells and in vitro transcription.


  • Dual performance kit for both PCR product clean-up and DNA purification from agarose gels
  • Fast and simple procedure
  • High DNA recovery yieldsl


  • Fast purification of DNA from agarose gels
  • Fast purification of products from PCR amplification reactions