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Femtojet 4x
electronic injector for external pressure supply

- Výrobca: Calibre Celltech - (Eppendorf CellTech)
- Kód: 5253000017
- Dostupnosť: Zvyčajne do 4 týždňov
- Cena bez DPH: 6 730,00 €
- Cena s DPH: 8 277,90 €
6 730,00 €
High-quality microinjection results require precision and reliability. The Eppendorf electronic microinjectors, the FemtoJet® 4i and FemtoJet 4x, are your tools of choice for reproducibly injecting small volumes into adherent cells and suspension cells. In combination with the TransferMan® 4r or InjectMan® 4 they form an ideal system to facilitate and speed up your workflow.